For many families and working professionals, having school back in session is a game changer. We love our kiddos but having them back in school gives us a sense of routine that allows us to get a few hours back during the day.

However, some of us for various reasons, may have to move to a new home while the kids are in school.

Check out some of our tips for transitioning to a new home while the kids are still attending school.

Communication is key

No matter the age of your children, you must be open about the move and talk with your children far in advance. You must be willing to answer any questions or concerns that your kids have about moving.

Visiting your new city or town

It’s important to take the time to visit your new community. Whether you’re on a local move or Interstate move, you should invest the time to get acquainted with the local area including the neighborhoods, local parks and other recreational and entertainment areas.

Focus on school transition

Everyone needs to work together including your current school and the new school to make sure your children transition with less stress. Visit the school together ahead of time and communicate with teachers and administrators in both schools to reduce the stress of your children.

Friends old and new

Make sure you assist your children in keeping in touch with old friends and encouraging them to make new friends. Those connections play a vital role in helping your children transition during the school year. Extracurricular activities such as sports or other clubs after school can also be a great idea for meeting new friends.

Have patience and empathy

Children can experience stress when making a major transition at such a young age. It’s important for families to understand that it may take time for kids to adjust, and parents must be patient and offer the emotional support necessary for that major life change.

Are you ready for your next relaxing moving experience? If you’re moving soon, give our team a call today and let’s get started!