If you are moving to a new home, guess what? You are going to have to pack.

If you have decided to pack your home on your own and not use professional packing services, then you’re going to need to get in the zone and get it done before the moving truck pulls up.

Here are five ways you can get a little motivation to get the packing process started for your upcoming move.

Set a clear timeline including deadlines

If there’s one thing we know you may procrastinate on in life, that is packing up your home for a move. One way to get the process started is just sit down with a piece of paper with you and your family and set a timeline and goals for packing. Hint, your deadline should not be moving day.

Create a checklist and a game plan

You will need some type of checklist for all the rooms in your home so you don’t forget anything. Which should of course have all the rooms and other storage places you have items. And don’t forget to put packing supplies on your packing checklist. Get those from you moving company.

Organize and declutter

You’ll be more motivated to pack if you have less items to pack. So take some time to declutter and find items to keep, donate, sell or bring to the dump. This will make packing much easier on you and your family.

Get everybody on board packing

If you’re reading this and think you have to do it all yourself, think again. Get your family involved, get the kids packing their rooms and organize a packing party with your family.

Visualize being in your new home

One way you can motivate yourself for any project or task is to understand how it feels to finish. So imagine all your items in your new home as you sit there and relax.

Bonus tip!

If packing up your home just seems to be too much, you should consider hiring a professional packing service. It can be a game changer when it comes to reducing your stress when moving to a new home.

Are you ready for your next relaxing moving experience? If you’re moving soon, give our team a call today and let’s get started!