Preparing for a move is more than just packing boxes and loading the truck. You also need to prepare mentally because, as most of us know, moving can be a little stressful for some. The more you prepare your mind and body for your upcoming journey, the less stress you and your family will experience.

Check out our tips for preparing for your move, lowering your stress and actually enjoying your journey to your new home.

Take care of your mind and body

Leading up to your move, you’ll want to make sure you prioritize self-care for yourself and your family. That can involve regular exercise or quite simply just going on morning walks. The power of clearing your mind and lowering your stress by moving your body can help you deal with the added responsibilities of moving.

Plan as far in advance as possible

We have recommended this countless times here on the Humboldt blog but we can’t say it enough. One of the ultimate keys to a successful and relaxing move is to get in as much planning as possible. If you need to move on short notice, that’s one thing but if you can plan out your move methodically, that leaves time to enjoy your move and not be running around until last minute, which will only add to your stress.

Make a commitment to have some fun

If you are going to get through moving with less stress, one way to do that is to rally the family and make a commitment to each other to have a little fun with your upcoming journey. You can actually enjoy packing by taking the time to look at family photos, have conversations about fun times and talk about new beginnings.

And when you feel the stress is getting too much, commit to hit the pause button.

Are you ready for your next relaxing moving experience? If you’re moving soon, give our team a call today and let’s get started!