Autism Awareness Month

As many know now, April is Autism Awareness Month. We believe the autism community has done a good job of creating awareness around autism including the challenges and the gifts associated with it. Many individuals with autism are contributing to our communities in ways we never imagined several years ago.

However, for many living with autism, the challenges that come with an autism diagnosis can cause large amounts of stress on both the individual and the family. One of those challenges is the ability to welcome change. Many with autism are comfortable in their surroundings and have a routine they follow. Veering away from those well-known established parts of their lives can be a challenge.

Humboldt teamed up with several autism advocacy organizations back a few ago to create Moving with Autism, a resource for families that were moving that also had a family member on the autism spectrum.  We created a series of videos as well as a tool kit to help those who might need a helping hand when it came to the moving experience. We recognize that moving can be an adventure for some, and a trying experience for others so we set out to create the tools to help those autism families.

Moving with autism can be found on our website:

We took the time to interview experts and families, many who had actually moved several times during their life. And we got some amazing advice on how to move, with less stress, less drama in the process and a better insight into what the family member on the autism spectrum is going through.

Our series is broken up into many parts including before the move, moving day and advice for settling in after moving day. We know whether someone is on the autism spectrum or not, these parts of any move can cause stress. But for someone who might not like change, it’s all the more difficult.

As we enter the month of April and we focus our attention on individuals with autism, we once again offer you this free resource. We know many families start moving during the Spring and Summer months so the timing could not be better to once again, make you aware of this free resource.

We also commit to you that our crews and your moving adviser here at Humboldt understand the stress you may be under. If you need a little extra care during your move, please don’t hesitate to let any of us know.

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